Friday, April 25, 2008


Foodlums Minutes 4-25-08

At Friday's meeting, we mostly just talked about plans for the Earth Day celebration, which was cancelled. I'll convey the plans below, just so we can remember how devoted we all were.

Earth Day
- 6 kegs of Sprecher's rootbeer-- zac will get them in the morning
- Biodegradable cups not yet recieved in mail.... buying paper ones in case the biodegradable ones aren't in ben's mail box by the time we need them.
- water and ice recepticals need to be cleaned. we have 5 water barrels, 2 coolers for ice, and 2 tubs for ice and kegs.  to clean dilute 1T bleach to 1 gallon of water and slosh it around until all surfaces have been disinfected. then rinse the recepticals out with water-- a few times.
-pricing for drinks is as follows: water cup - $.50
                                             rootbeer (includes cup) - $1.00
                                             rootbeer re-fill- $.50
                                             water- FREE

Sat. morning schedule:
Group #1 meeting in garden at 9am to load dane's truck w/ compost, potting soil, and wagon.
Group #2 meeting in chancellor's lobby at 9am to disinfect and load ice into water barrels and coolers.

in retrospect:

Wendy was on TV with Judy Clark to promote the Earth Day festivities at 5 on friday :)

King Corn (the last progressive film fest film we were responsible for) was shown on friday night at 8. popcorn was served and corey and zac sacrificed themselves in order to pop popcorn during the film.

everything was loaded and ready to go. unfortunatly the earthday celebration was called off at the last minute due to cold and wind and snow, that, everyone decided they didn't love the earth enough to brave.

a foolums earth day potluck occured at davin's at 6 on saturday night with tasty food and fun.

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