Friday, February 29, 2008


Foodlums Minutes 2-29-08
1st, let us please take a (nother) moment to say a belated happy birthday to ralph.  ralph nader, that is.  some of us are especially glad you've made it another year.
meeting stuff:
1. another local food meal at outdoor rec:  do we want to sponsor it?  maybe if its for students?
2. talk of having a campus kitchen here at ec...using extra food from campus in different community organizations.  email corey james for info-
3. food week updates: mon-heifer international at table; tues- meg is cooking; wed-possible meal at delaney; meg cooking; speaker; thurs-my notes say "ten, HOT D"  maybe hot dog sale?; sat- kubb, grilling
4. compost-we're baggin it.  jl has already ordered some.  nice!
5. email corey about wednesday night if you're attending.
6.omnivore's dilemma-discussion at the public library on march 6
7. progressive film festival-we may have hookups for some freebie coffee
congrats.  you've gotten this far.
here is your reward:  "leaving work [early if you're cool!!] to watch sunsets"

Friday, February 22, 2008


Foodlum Minutes 2-22-08

Introduction to Dr. Joe Hupy
- he has an ATV with a plotmaster that hooks up to the back that we can use for plowing the garden + would like to get involved with the garden and monitoring soil quality
-suggests selling worm composting (he has some experience w/ worm composting in his house)

-pumpkins made trouble for the maintinence crews last summer so new plan-- have a pumpkin patch somewhere else. Dr. Kaldjian and Dr. Hupy both have possible patches.
-setting up a "cooking with pumpkins" w/ Meg Nord. Planned for the Nord/ Kaldjian residence on the evening of March 5th at 5. Come. It will be fun.
-"cooking with Meg" could become a monthly cooking demonstration that we have in a classroom, open to the public.

Progressive Film Festival
-Black Gold   April 28th 8pm -- about coffee so we can give fair trade coffee samples
-The Price of Sugar April 21st 8pm -- about sugar so we can give honey sticks made from local honey
-King Corn  April 25th 8pm-- about corn so we can serve local popcorn

Student Senate's new Environmental Issues Chair = Jasmine Wiley

Corey and Dylan will be meeting with Dan from outdoor rec. on Monday

Activities Week
- Tom Kahlb can't speak anymore because he's moving to N. Dakota, but Ken Meider will
-Ken Meider (crossroads center ag. research)  speaking hopefully 4:30 -6 Wed. End the session with a brainstorming session in which he helps us assess our resources.
-talk to sodexho about getting a buffet in the Dulany in which every dish has at least one local ingredient.
- have events on the campus mall such as
 free samples of local food donated by nice local  businesses or get a grant from ORSP so we can buy local food to give as samples
 lawn games like kubb
 a food-instrument jam -- people make instruments out of carrots, gourds, potatoes and rockout to foodie music (posters could be made ahead of time to advertise this amazing food jam)  Check out   to be inspired.  We should all try to figure out techniques for making vegetable instruments. HOMEWORK FOR NEXT MEETING: try to make a vegetable instrument.

Seed Savers, a company out of North East Iowa that distributes heirloom seeds and plants, has events and programs every now and then. We could get a bus going to attend one of these events.

Heifer International
- Wendy is an intern which brought up the idea of Foodlums sponsoring an animal to be given to a community in need in another country.
-Animal comes with education on environmental sustainability, gender equality, and vetrinary and the intention for offspring and benefits of the animal to be shared and passed on to other members of the community.
-We could make it the goal of our next hot dog sale to get a goat... or some other animal that we all agree on.

-In the process of contacting local restaurants, telling them that we are looking to incorperate local food and minimize waste.
 Sammy's Pizza uses local meat and wisconsin cheese
 Nine Degrees ice cream has their ice cream on bikes
-look into getting permit from the city so we could sell hot dogs or some other local food of our choice?
-hard boiled eggs for a snack. We could have them colored like earths! OR it could be a children's activity to color the hardboiled eggs like earths.

Try to make it to the sustainable dining committee. Seems to be in Alumni again. 5PM Tuesdays