Friday, September 12, 2008


Foodlums Minutes 9/12/08
there will be a foodlums potluck dinner this friday at a place that has yet to be confirmed!
start looking up recipes that can use local ingredients and don't miss the farmers market wed. in the morning or thur. in the afternoon (or on campus in the morning)

Officer positions are open-
treasurer, president, garden manager, 1/3 of a public relations trio, and maybe more
if you want in, elections are at our next meeting so beeee there

Earth day-
even though earth day isn't until April, the committee to organize the pheonix park celebration is getting started.
first meeting sept. 29th, 4:00 in the nursing building.

Cultivating Sustainable Agriculture Conference
in Madison, oct. 31-nov. 1
foodlums will be presenting about our efforts to get local, sustainable food on campus and student gardens
we can get a table at it too, but it will cost $20/day.
Hupy can get a poster printed for us.
ppl. interested:
Dylan Thomas
Duncan Berg
Chris Maierhofer
Ane Klomps
Sasha Karosas
Danielle Gannon
Dane Haverly

Environmental Task Force JONAH
Dinner to discuss sustainablility in the Chippewa Valley
e-mail Dr. Hupy for more info.

2008 Wi Regional Hunger Forum
you can come if you want to bring up the local food component
Dylan Thomas is going, so e-mail him if you're interested
oct. 30th it's in Rice Lake

on campus farmer's market
Danielle is brainstorming ideas to use money on blugold cards at the market.
it might be a possibility to have a system where people can swipe their blugold in davies and get tickets that they can pay with.

Worm composting
Dr. Hupy will give us some starter worms since he got a new kit and he doesn't have enough room in his basement.  we can sell products like worm tea--  like miracle grow on steroids.
we can use a room in phillips for worm farming
interest in worm composting:
Dane, sasha, Danielle, Ben, Jo, Briana, Ane, Katie, Chuck, Chris, Jim, Joe, Rachel

Coffee grounds pick-up
the coffee shop in davies will give us their extra coffee grounds again this year, but we need people to bring the bucket of grounds to the garden every week day some time in the evening-- 3 at the earliest.
volunteers so far are :
Duncan Berg
Rachel Mickelson
Stephanie Zinken

Geography club  wants to team with us for a stew-selling

-shed raising WILL be happening in the near future.
 recorded interest was held by Katie Nolan, Ane, Duncan Berg, and Briana
 you can still help, though, even if you aren't on the committee list.
-potting soil is still available by the 50 lb. bag
-watering schedule still have open days. contact Briana  (odegarbn) if you are interested. days that are especially   open because of ppl. being double scheduled are fri. sat. sun. mon. and wed.

Ultimate frisbee team for foodlums-- contact Ane Klomps if you're interested. More is better in this situation.

post script: corey wears athletic pants

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