Friday, September 26, 2008


Foodlums Minutes 9/26

Shed Plans
Duncan or Hickory might have some door connections.
Corey and Hickory will go to Hope Gospel building materials sight.

Hmong Picnic
Way to go Dylan for holding down the foodlums stuff for a while on wed. when no one else was there.
Way to go to everyone who helped with the preperation and the picnic.

Volunteering on Sunbow CSA Sun. 9-12

Sustainability Week oct. 20-23
Foodlums is helping to plan in cooperation with SNEHA, Conservationists, and Hobnailers
We'll have a table (day and time yet to be determined)
Anyone have a speaker they'd like to recommend we host?

Parade- SNEHA has a float that we can latch on to. E-mail Briana if you're interested.
Mona Lisa's- We're looking for representatives from foodlums to schmooze with alumni at Mona Lisa's on the Sat. of homecoming. It'd be a great way to throw in a few good words for Foodlums. (Dave, Corey, Isaac, and Ane are interested) If you want in, e-mail Corey.

Sustainability In E.C.
Meghan went to the first meeting and will be going to the meetings. If you want to giver her ideas to spew, e-mail her.

Hot Dog Sale
Oct. 8 (wed.) is the tentative date
Chili Making Tue. night at 8pm (oct. 7th) at the klomps/ nolan household. 1004 1st ave.

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