Friday, October 17, 2008


Foodlums Minutes October 17th 2008

Hello all you dedicated and soon-to-be-dedicated foodlums!

Jasmine is swamped with things to do this semester and is steping down from the vice president position. A new vice president was sworn in at the meeting- Dave-o the pirate, David Hon.

Campus Sustainability Days
-Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week drop by for tabling 11-2 either in davies or on the campus mall.
-check out the attached schedule to see what other super fun stuff is going on this week. You could easily fill a day and night with the programs that are planned. note that the canoe river clean up that is sponsored by the hobnailers(which sounds especially exciting) has limited space.
- Trayless edifisc building (to show the volume of food wasted in a cafeteria each day) still needs to happen but has been postponed due to lack of needed statistics. Be on the lookout for a desperate cry-for-help email in the next day or two.

Dining Contract meetings
-There are still meetings this week for us to voice our interest in local food and sustainibly produced food at the meetings concerning the new dining contract.
Monday 5-6:30 alumni room
Tuesday 11:30-1 presidents room

Pesto Making happened Sat. night. we made a good amount, so if anyone's interested in purchasing a price will be decided upon at the next meeting, so stay posted.

PROGRESSIVE DINNER will be happening Friday (october 24)
-If you plan on coming, RSVP to Briana ( by wednesday so we can get an approximate count of people.
-the dinner will start with appetizers at Corey's (223 apt. C Hudson St.) and continue on to Ane's and Dylan's for main course and dessert.
-bring $5 to reimberse the hosts for food costs.

There are a butt-load of green tomatoes in the garden on the concrete mushroom. It'd be great if people could come get them and keep them in a paper bag with a ripe tomato or two to ripen them so we can preserve them either by simply freezing or canning or some technique that can later be decided upon.

Just Local Foods is in the process of moving to the former Johnny's Market site.
They'll need help monday, so if anyone can help out, stop by the store or e-mail zac (

Can't wait to see everyone tabling and going to events during campus sustainability days!!!!! !!!! !!

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