Sunday, October 17, 2010

Foodlums Minutes 10/8/2010

Progressive Dinner
- Tomorrow, October 9th beginning at 5:00 @ 720 Broadway
- Don't forget to bring your own dinnerware (bowl, spoon, plate, cup, fork, etc.) and $5.

Apple Picking
-Foodlums will be going to Schaefer's Orchard Run tomorrow, Sunday Oct. 10 leaving the Phillips/ Schnieder turn-around at 1:00 pm.
- People will be picking apples for Feed My People food bank and bringing some home for themselves as well.

Baked Potato Sale
- To happen either this week or next week Thursday from 10-2 in the Phillips entryway (depending upon when we get the potatoes.)
- Dr. Kaldjian has used his connection magic once again to find a fantastic potato donor. Last year Chaput Produce was kind enough to donate a significant quantity of rarely organic potatoes from Rice Lake, WI and will do the same for us again this year.
- There will be a chili production gathering at Tehya and Erin's, 720 Broadway, Wed. evening at 9:30 pm. Bring ingredients to add to the chili!
- This is the sign-up for potato selling
9:15 (set-up) Carlie
10-11 Carlie
11-12 Briana and Isaac
12-1 Briana and Chris
1-2 Briana, Lauren, Ellen
Takedown ______ (no one yet)
- As you can tell we still need help, so if you can help here, please e-mail Briana (
- Chili making sign-up for Wed. night is K. MACE, KATELYN, Nate, Carlie (if needed), and Ellen yo.

Banning the Sale of Bottled Water on Campus
- There is a class who is motivated to put an end to bottled water sales on campus
- The group of passionate students will be meeting Thursday evening to discuss a plan of action.
- E-mail Aaron Brewster ( for more info. and check the Foodlums website later in the week for more specific time and date.

Green Fund Proposal
-Deadline for plans for use of the green fund is coming up on October 23rd (?)
- Foodlums would like to come up with a proposal that deals with landscaping of the campus, including edible landscaping and greenery that requires less pesticide use and watering.
- Get your thinking caps on and watch for notices on times and dates of meetings

Halloween themed bike cook
- Foodlums will be having another biking-meets-cooking scavenger hunt (similar to our space race last spring) on Saturday Oct. 30th.
- Come bet your costume ready and get excited!

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