Monday, March 22, 2010

Foodlums Minutes 3/19/10 Meeting

Dane has the sign! (This note was written on the minutes note sheet, although I'm not sure what said sign is...)

We have allies
-Lynn, Randy, Ruth
-The Biology department, who has traditionally laid some claim to the courtyard, gave the okay for foodlums to take over the garden
-Momma Carlson reminds us to avoid going inside after working in the garden since our shoes are usually super dirty and we have a history of tracking dirt inside. Bad news for people working in Phillips.

Cowsmo Compost
-Dr. Kaldjian will take care of the order
- Last year we ordered 7 cubic yards, 2 of which were for Dr. Hupy, 5 for Foodlums selling
- Maybe we will not order potting soil to sell this year since compost seems to be a good enough seller and we still have bags of potting soil left over from last year

David Hon
-Your name was written on the board in David-Hon-style letters in hopes that it would bring you back.

-We will be getting compost from the city this season, but they aren't ready to deliver it yet.
-Garden was cleaned up a bit to be ready for turning up the earth. So good to see the garden crawling with people getting their hands dirty.
-Spinach can be planted soon since it's good between 25 degrees and 75 degrees.

Happy Spring Equinox!!-Briana

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