Friday, February 29, 2008


Foodlums Minutes 2-29-08
1st, let us please take a (nother) moment to say a belated happy birthday to ralph.  ralph nader, that is.  some of us are especially glad you've made it another year.
meeting stuff:
1. another local food meal at outdoor rec:  do we want to sponsor it?  maybe if its for students?
2. talk of having a campus kitchen here at ec...using extra food from campus in different community organizations.  email corey james for info-
3. food week updates: mon-heifer international at table; tues- meg is cooking; wed-possible meal at delaney; meg cooking; speaker; thurs-my notes say "ten, HOT D"  maybe hot dog sale?; sat- kubb, grilling
4. compost-we're baggin it.  jl has already ordered some.  nice!
5. email corey about wednesday night if you're attending.
6.omnivore's dilemma-discussion at the public library on march 6
7. progressive film festival-we may have hookups for some freebie coffee
congrats.  you've gotten this far.
here is your reward:  "leaving work [early if you're cool!!] to watch sunsets"

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