Sunday, October 17, 2010

Foodlums Minutes 9/24/2010

Garden Party
-This coming weekend spend Saturday evening partying for homecoming foodlums style!
- There is promise of holiday lights and food with the possibility of a keg of Point Root Beer, Apple cider, and SOUP! YUM!

Progressive Dinner
- Still coming up Saturday Oct. 9th
- Tell all your foodie friends.
- Our motto this year is "the more stops the better" so get ready for several courses to this meal.

- A garden steering committee is being put together to plan the lay-out of the garden for next year and into the future. We're looking at raised beds, hanging garden, etc.
- Isaac got some new compost bins. WHOOt WHOOT! you go dude.
- The word is that we got a sizable donation from the biology department to clean up the shopping cart area-- maybe purchase large, nice, tubs for storing stuff.

New regional health care system
- We've received news that a new community-designed hospital and regional health care system is being planned
- They want to incorperate local foods into their vision and are inviting foodlums to attend the meetings for brainstorming/ planning.
- Dr. Pamela Wible will be in town Oct. 24-27 for the meetings. Stay posted for more specific times/ dates/ locations of meetings

Open House and Potluck at the Center for Healing Arts
-Friday, October 8 2-8pm at The Center for Healing Arts (2722 London Road)
-Pre-registration required for the potluck. Email Patricia:
-Schedule of events:
---Roxie Fransway-Greening and Joyce Sobotta: 2:30-3pm Thermography and Healthy Girls presentation
---Deb Farmer: 3-3:30pm Maya Abdominal Therapy and Wise Earth Ayurveda
---Veena Chadha: 4-5pm Indian Cooking Demo
---Potluck: 5-6pm (RSVP required)
---Roxie and Joyce: 6:15pm Thermography and Healthy Girls
---Connie Reynolds: 6:30pm Intro to Community Acupuncture
---Patricia Wickman: 6:45pm Radiant Living Yoga and Ayurveda

Other things we want to do soon
- can apple sauce
- have a baked potato sale
- have a bike race/ cook-off

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