Thursday, March 4, 2010

Foodlums Minutes 2/12/10

Maple Tapping
- Tehya got some hints about tapping maple trees and there was much discussion about where we would be allowed to tap trees. Anyone have any hints for tapable tree areas around here?
- We want to get started finding sugar maples ASAP since tree start to run when things begin to melt.
- There was talk of forming a quick action e-mail list who would be able to drop everything and tap trees when it's time.
-Dane has a fire pit in his backyard and Tehya says her dad can help us build the cooker thing (to be technical about it).

- We need a binder to file garden records so there can be some consistency from year to year.
- Garden should be main focus this semester and other projects can be extras
- Decisions for what to plant this year will be made at the next meeting
- Phil's Grand Vision: more garden and less for the grounds crew to worry about
- What if we planted tall grasses like the ones Wendy's dad loves so much around it to make it a SECRET GARDEN?

Cooking Workshop
- Foodlums will be hosting a cooking work shop on Sunday, February 28th at 5:00 in Oak Ridge Hall to promote cooking and food conciousness.
- Have any ideas for what we can cook? Want to help out? Good.

- Foodlums + Conservationists Potluck at Danielle Alba's house!!!!
- 1034 Barland St.
- Sunday Feb 21st @ 6pm

Free Clinic Fundraiser
- Chris sent a vague message about going to a restaurant and proceeds from the restaurant's earnings go to the free clinic.
- If Chris could come to the next meeting and tell us more, we might be able to get more excited about it.

Start thinking of something delicious for the potluck!
Sending Love (in honor of Valentine's Day),

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