Monday, March 22, 2010

Foodlums Minutes 3/19/10 Meeting

Dane has the sign! (This note was written on the minutes note sheet, although I'm not sure what said sign is...)

We have allies
-Lynn, Randy, Ruth
-The Biology department, who has traditionally laid some claim to the courtyard, gave the okay for foodlums to take over the garden
-Momma Carlson reminds us to avoid going inside after working in the garden since our shoes are usually super dirty and we have a history of tracking dirt inside. Bad news for people working in Phillips.

Cowsmo Compost
-Dr. Kaldjian will take care of the order
- Last year we ordered 7 cubic yards, 2 of which were for Dr. Hupy, 5 for Foodlums selling
- Maybe we will not order potting soil to sell this year since compost seems to be a good enough seller and we still have bags of potting soil left over from last year

David Hon
-Your name was written on the board in David-Hon-style letters in hopes that it would bring you back.

-We will be getting compost from the city this season, but they aren't ready to deliver it yet.
-Garden was cleaned up a bit to be ready for turning up the earth. So good to see the garden crawling with people getting their hands dirty.
-Spinach can be planted soon since it's good between 25 degrees and 75 degrees.

Happy Spring Equinox!!-Briana

Monday, March 15, 2010

Foodlums Minutes 3/12/10

Phil's big exciting news
- A student senator is pushing to bring compost receptacles to the res. halls.
- There is a grant being written for a machine to make aereated compost tea and foodlums are being written in as beneficiaries!
- There was a stellar garden meeting which Lynn Peterson attended and gave a lot of great advice

- A garden/farm supply store in Chippewa
- Chris and Jeff went last Saturday for a garden planning workshop that Chris described as a "freshman level power point presentation"
- Sounds like a pretty sweet place otherwise! With a green house, cheap 50 lb. bags of potatoes, and SEEDS GALORE
- They have an open house coming up

Loitering Games
-Dr. Kaldjian suggests that we have a nice social event around a "loitering game" such as horse shoes, kubb, or bocci ball

- Chris has an intricate grid pattern planned for the corner plot (where the hot box /cold frame is) small plots with walkways through and around so it is all easily acessible to everyone.
- People for sure want squash, dry beans (which we might want to try growing both up?), tomatoes, carrots, potatoes, and zucchini.
- Plans are coming along supurbly

Spring equinox river clean-up
-Saturday at 4 there are a group of people picking up trash along the river to honor the coming of spring in dress apparel
-Visit for the low down.

Maple Syrup Update
-So Meghan went to the maple tapping workshop and found out that it can damage trees in the city to tap them since they are already weaker having to deal with streets and less nutrients etc. so that puts a stop to our plans to tap in the 3rd ward.
- Any other ideas? Think fast before the sap stops running! There was talk of a tapping set-up at Beaver Creek. Anyone have more info on that?


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Foodlums Minutes 3/5/10

Maple Syrup
-Some people met on Saturday to clean out buckets for collecting sap and type up a letter give to people whose maple trees we want to tap. If you have time and would like to ask people with sugar maple trees in their yards if we can tap them, Tehya has a list of perspective houses and you can give the home-owner a copy of the letter attached
- We decided to try using plastic tubing for tapping since time is of an essence and metal taps must be bought online.
- All the materials for tapping are now together-- Dane's drill, plastic tubing, buckets, wax to block tubing into the hole. We just need trees! If you have a sugar maple in mind that we can tap, e-mail Briana and you can get the materials to tap it! (
- We're expecting 3-5 gallons of sap/day which will need to be stored in the foodlums garden temporarily, if need be, and then at Dane's house until the boil-down. If you tap a tree, be prepared to take responsibility for the sap.
-The conditions are perfect-- above freezing during the day but below freezing at night-- the time to tap is now!

- Chris and Jeff talked with Lynn Peterson and are using a small space in the 5th floor green house for starting onions. onions in soil- check!
- We took a stroll around the garden to look at the plots our garden managers are looking at.- Think about what you want in the garden and keep in mind what grows best in what conditions. Documents to help your considerations as well as the seed savers catalog are availabile on the W drive--- Geog.- Kaldjian- Foodlums- Garden. E-mail
Jeff (, Chris (, or Dane ( with requests.
- The mysterious maker of the greenhouse-looking-structure in the garden has been identified and is a professor (not a foodlum- whew!) so don't mess with it.

Food for the Warming Place
- Some foodlums congregated to make food for the Warming Place (where people can go at night to stay warm if they don't have a place)
- We made cookies, coconut curry, rice, and bread pudding plus a little food for ourselves and cleaned out the oak ridge fridge in the process.
- More events like this are hopefully to come.

tap those maples and think about those garden veggies!-Briana

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Foodlums Minutes 2/26/10

At the February 19th meeting, some new officers were elected:President- Tehya RiceV.P.- Paul ThompsonTreasurer- Katelyn Tschida
Garden Managers- Jeff Glowa and Dane HaverlyGUEST SPEAKER!-County horticulturist, Erin LaFave, came to talk with us and has a lot of really stellar resources to share with us and suggestions for our garden including putting up chicken wire or snow-fencing fences to keep rabbits out and planting plants that go well together in food together- She shared more specifics about the MASTER GARDENER course-- it runs for 12 weeks, once a week for 3 hours. It's held on campus and usually starts up mid-March.Free Clinic Garden-Looking for free seeds (perennials and root vegetables)

Cooking for the warming house
-Saturday some people will be preparing food for the warming house-- where people w/o homes in Eau Claire can go at night so they aren't cold
-The warming house already has a meal lined up for this saturday, but we can still make baked goods (cookies? banana bread? healthy energy bars? FUN!)
- In Oak Ridge, specific time TBD

Dane, Jeff, and Chris met for some garden steering-Some ideas they would like to implement this year are:-- splitting the garden into sections for donating, personal use, and experimental-- creating a map to identify plants instead of (or in cooperation with?) markers-- putting in a drip-irrigation line for more efficient watering-We talked about planting foods that we have a definite purpose for (i.e. tomato fest, chili making, etc...). -Vegetables we are all in agreement on are cabbage, beans, potatoes, and tomatoes. -Way to go, you threee, for putting a fire under our pants. Excitement for the garden was shared by all.

Maple Syrup
-We need to be watching for sugar maples that we can tap
- Zac heard that in the city, because of streets and warmer conditions, we should tap 2 weeks before one would normally tap in the country.

Keep your eyes peeled for tapable maples!!

Foodlums Minutes 2/12/10

Maple Tapping
- Tehya got some hints about tapping maple trees and there was much discussion about where we would be allowed to tap trees. Anyone have any hints for tapable tree areas around here?
- We want to get started finding sugar maples ASAP since tree start to run when things begin to melt.
- There was talk of forming a quick action e-mail list who would be able to drop everything and tap trees when it's time.
-Dane has a fire pit in his backyard and Tehya says her dad can help us build the cooker thing (to be technical about it).

- We need a binder to file garden records so there can be some consistency from year to year.
- Garden should be main focus this semester and other projects can be extras
- Decisions for what to plant this year will be made at the next meeting
- Phil's Grand Vision: more garden and less for the grounds crew to worry about
- What if we planted tall grasses like the ones Wendy's dad loves so much around it to make it a SECRET GARDEN?

Cooking Workshop
- Foodlums will be hosting a cooking work shop on Sunday, February 28th at 5:00 in Oak Ridge Hall to promote cooking and food conciousness.
- Have any ideas for what we can cook? Want to help out? Good.

- Foodlums + Conservationists Potluck at Danielle Alba's house!!!!
- 1034 Barland St.
- Sunday Feb 21st @ 6pm

Free Clinic Fundraiser
- Chris sent a vague message about going to a restaurant and proceeds from the restaurant's earnings go to the free clinic.
- If Chris could come to the next meeting and tell us more, we might be able to get more excited about it.

Start thinking of something delicious for the potluck!
Sending Love (in honor of Valentine's Day),